Use the seeds the professionals use

Cress American Upland or Land Cress [56155]

Cress American Upland or Land Cress

Barbera verna

Similar in appearance to its better-known cousin, Watercress but boasts a deeper pungency.



A member of the mustard family, Upland Cress packs a sharp, peppery heat. For the simplest preparation, use Upland Cress the same way you would watercress. Left raw, the leaves can be chopped and mixed into a salad, tucked into a sandwich, or use as a garnish. Upland Cress will grow in almost any soil - provided it's cool and damp.

Annual or Perennial  Annual
Approx days to flower/harvest 50 days
Height 35cm
Space between plants  10cm
When to sow Spring, Summer, Autumn
Seeds per packet Approx 1000