Use the seeds the professionals use



Our printer has advised that the catalogue will start to be mailed out to you from the 24th, keep an eye on your letterbox. If you have made a purchase in the last 18 months one will be automatically sent unless you have advised us otherwise.🙂

You might have seen we have already started putting some of the new items on the website in advance. You can find these by searching "New Items" from the top menu bar.

Also, finally our new website is nearly ready to launch, this will be around the 1st of August. You will need to create a new password, but we'll send you an email to make it simple! On the new website you'll be able to pop your free packet/s of seed directly in your cart, making your buying process so much easier.🌱 When you qualify for $3.50 you can choose 1 free packet from the selection, if you qualify for $7.00 you can choose 2 packets from the selection and so forth. Fingers crossed for a lovely fine, sunny spring coming up.