Use the seeds the professionals use


Melon - Watermelon Sugar Baby

Melon - Watermelon Sugar Baby [58900]

Cucumis melo var Reticulatus

Small round, dark skinned fruit, weighing approximately 3-5kg. Sow indoors in spring, ready for transplant. Reap the rewards in the height of summer with a mouth-watering treat of sweet, bright red juicy flesh.

Suitable only for warm climate areas


Melon - Watermelon Sugar Belle F1 Hybrid

Melon - Watermelon Sugar Belle F1 Hybrid [58950]

Citrullus lanatus


One of our most popular watermelons is back! For abundant, early maturing sweet watermelons choose Sugar Belle.  Round, dark-skinned fruit that has bright red flesh... mouth wateringly delicious.  Sugar Belle's breeding allows for an improved disease resistance and vigorous growth.

Suitable for warm climate areas only.


Papaya Amber Lady

Papaya Amber Lady [60050]

Carica papaya

Amber Lady is sweet tasting with orange-red flesh. It is a vigorous grower and has good fruit set, however it needs an average temperature of around 25-30 °C for optimal growth.



Passionfruit [60000]

Passiflora edulis

Once established this climber will supply good crops of round, plump, purple fruit.

Dark green foliage - good strong grower.


Pepino Dulce

Pepino Dulce [60700]

Solanum muricatum

Pepino's are ideal in a container on the deck where it will flower and fruit heavily. Deemed to be parthenocarpic (does not require pollination to produce fruit) however, a much heavier crop results from self or cross pollination (i.e. grow several plants and attract the bees).



Rhubarb [61500]

Rheum rhabarbarum

No garden is complete without a rhubarb patch! Strong, healthy upright growth - produces thick green shaded red stalks.

Plants regenerate quickly after cutting. Sow seeds in spring and autumn.


Rock Melon Honey Dew

Rock Melon Honey Dew [58860]

Cucumis melo

Honey Dew has a really sweet flavour, it's lovely and juicy and delicious served chilled. Flesh is pale green to green.

Prefers hot dry climates. Fruit grows approx 10-12cm in diameter.


Tomatillo Verde

Tomatillo Verde [64255]

Physalis ixocarpa

Tomatillos are the key ingredient in fresh and cooked Mexican and Central-American green sauces. Fruit should be firm and bright green, as the green colour and tart flavour are the main culinary contributions of the fruit.
