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Gourd Sponge (Cooking)

Gourd Sponge (Cooking) [57115]

Luffa acutangula

Similar to zucchini, pick fruit when young and succulent.

Used in a variety of dishes in Indian, Chinese and South East Asian cuisines, where the fruits soak up the flavours they are being cooked in.


Gypsophila Snowflake

Gypsophila Snowflake [23825]

Gypsophila paniculata

NEW 2024

A perennial gypsophila that bears masses of dainty snow-white coloured flowers.

Please note that not every flower will be double, almost 50% will be single but still equally as nice and useful.

Flowers can be used fresh or dried. Preferred by florists. Requires full sun and well-drained soil, will benefit from the odd side-dressing of dolomite lime. If you like to have fresh flowers constantly we suggest you sow new batches of Snowflake every 3-4 weeks for a constant supply through the summer.


Layia Tidy Tips

Layia Tidy Tips [26395]

Layia platyglossa

A cheerful, annual daisy permeating yellow petals tipped with white. Like most daisies they like a sunny free draining site , flowering from late spring and all summer long.


Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm [64940]

Melissa officinalis

A lemon scented herb that comes from the same family as mint.  It's used widely in herbal medicine and to flavour tea and food.


Lettuce Cut & Come Again RED

Lettuce Cut & Come Again RED [57640]

Lactuca sativa

NEW 2024

Cut & Come Again RED is perfectly designed for continual fresh cuttings. Mix your deep-red leaves amongst your salad for a great contrast to your green leaves, or enjoy a nice red salad on its own. Simply use scissors to trim leaves off the plant as required. Providing you leave 2-3cm of leaf on the plant, ensure there is sufficient water and have good soil … the leaves should resume their growth, ready for your next salad! Best planted as a mass planting so you can cut selected areas at different times.
