Use the seeds the professionals use


Beans Climbing Mixed

Beans Climbing Mixed [50220]

Phaseolus vulgaris

Brighten up the platter with purple, green and yellow beans.  Prolific yields.

Best grown up a trellis or some kind of fence or support.


Beans Climbing Purple

Beans Climbing Purple [50730]

Phaseolus vulgaris


Climbing Purple Bean is back with its robust vine and prolific production of rich, dark-purple beans. Pods can grow up to 20cm long, but are at their best when picked a little earlier while young and tender. This old fashioned variety will turn green when cooked. Best frown up a trellis or some kinds of fence or support. Chemically Treated


Beans Dwarf French Contender

Beans Dwarf French Contender [50600]

Phaseolus vulgaris

Both reliable and heavy yielding best describe Contender Beans. Dark green, crisp, tasty pods are produced in abundance.

Our best variety for really warm locations


Beans Dwarf French Jackson

Beans Dwarf French Jackson [50555]

Phaseolus vulgaris

The latest in bean breeding from Europe. Shiny, green beans of the highest quality. Similar bean to Hickok, but Jackson is not chemically treated.
