Use the seeds the professionals use


Capsicum Sweet Shishito

Capsicum Sweet Shishito [54045]

Capsicum annuum

Shishito peppers are a Japanese heirloom variety with a crisp, fruity flavour. Just a tiny hint of heat and smokiness is brought out by cooking them. About 5% of Shishito peppers are pungent.


Capsicum Trinidad Butch T

Capsicum Trinidad Butch T [54024]

Capsicum annum

Another oddly shaped pepper with a “Scorpion-like” tail. Once again, a record breaker in years gone by, the burn from this pepper is almost unbearable.

SHU : 1.4 million


Carrot Baby

Carrot Baby [54500]

Daucas carota

Small round roots. Very early baby carrot. Excellent shape for making creative edible decorations to garnish your salads.

Mini Vegetable


Carrot Kuroda

Carrot Kuroda [54165]

Daucas carota

This is a New Zealand produced carrot.

An interesting fact is that here in NZ we grow 40% of the worlds carrot seeds - not bad for such a wee country - Good on yah Mate.


Carrot Ladies Fingers

Carrot Ladies Fingers [54510]

Daucas carota

Rich orange roots that are great for gourmet cooking. Sweet flavour and delicate shape, approx 8cm long.

Great in the garden, will tolerate"heavy" soil.
