Use the seeds the professionals use

Primula Touch Me Mix F1 Hybrid [38720]

Primula Touch Me Mix F1 Hybrid

Primula obconica

In the ‘wild’ Primula obconica have a natural chemical in their leaf (Primine). This protects the plants from ravaging insects. However, most humans are allergic to this chemical. Touch Me F1 Hybrid has no Primine. Grow it with confidence. Excellent branching habit. Makes a fantastic pot plant for the cooler seasons of autumn & spring. The plants are quite tough but will need protection through a tough winter.


Annual or Perennial  Annual
Hardiness  Tender
Approx days to flower/harvest 140
Height 25
Space between plants  35cm
Propagation  Prophouse germination recommended
When to sow Summer
Seeds per packet Approx 40